Traditionally, since the mid-1930s, the Serra da Estrela cheese fairs have been held in Fornos de Algodres and in Celorico da Beira (Carrapichana). Later on, in the 70s, the tradition extended to Penalva do Castelo, Oliveira do Hospital, Trancoso, Mangualde, Gouveia, etc.

Participation is a ritual with its very own marks. The shepherds left their lands early in the morning to arrive at the fair site at 5-6 am. In many places it was customary to carry their baskets (made of chestnut or wicker) under the freezing cold of winter mornings, since it is in these months that there is more cheese. On some days, rain and snow came together even during the fair, since, as a rule, they were held in wide open fields.

Nowadays, it is at this time of the year that the Serra da Estrela Natural Park seeks to develop a new dynamic, trying to increase the quantity of Serra da Estrela sheep, to dignify the profession of the shepherd and cheesemakers and the quality of Serra da Estrela Cheese.

In a mountainous region like Serra da Estrela, where the isolation of certain villages is still evident, the fair has always been the place of trade par excellence, a role that is supported by ancient documents.

There has been a significant evolution in some areas. The site where the fair takes place, the associated programs, the media coverage… However, a culture closely linked to the life of these communities is still preserved. In addition to the commercial relationship, the fairs are also opportunities to see relatives and friends, strengthen or create sociability ties. Fair days are lives with anticipation. The carefully chosen clothes reflect the importance they attach to that moment.

The present conditioned by the pandemic deprives us all of being able to participate and live in these events. It deprives us of the commercial exchanges, the festive and proud moment of shepherds and cheesemakers, the opportunity to promote the art of making Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese. Therefore, it is necessary to keep alive the spirit of the SERRA DA ESTRELA PDO   CHEESE FAIR, now in a digital dimension, while we are not allowed to return to the “origin”.

Visit our online store  loja online where you may find the Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese.

“Dedicated to all Serra da Estrela shepherds and cheese makers, for the snow, rain and wind they endure.”