A collection of books whose central theme is cheese is being built and will be available to the public in the multimedia space of Vale da Estrela Dairy in Mangualde.

In an initial phase, the collection already has a few dozen books.

There are national and foreign editions and it is even possible to find publications in Russian.

The central theme is cheese and most of the works are related to gastronomy, cooking, artisanal cheese production and ethnographic studies.

For this collection, Vale da Estrela Dairy is counting on the support of a renowned specialist, José Pacheco Pereira, who created a library and an archive  in Marmeleira, with thousands of publications.

The multimedia space of Vale da Estrela Dairy is open to the public and has on display products and promotional materials about pastoralism and cheese production in Serra da Estrela, namely the projection of videos.

Registration for visitors can be done here.