Queijo Vale da Estrela

Vale da Estrela Cheese

Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese is produced because there are shepherds who daily ensure, together with our cheesemakers, each a master in their role, the superior quality of the raw material and ancestral knowledge that ensures the preservation of an authentic and truly Portuguese product.

With Christmas being its biggest sales period and in a pandemic context such as the one we are experiencing, Vale da Estrela sought innovative and safe solutions to provide each of its customers with a superior quality product.

At this point, it is time to thank those of you who chose, for your Christmas, to privilege a regional product such as Serra da Estrela PDO cheese and a brand like Vale da Estrela that cares about its community.

Thank you!

It was thanks to you that we continued to ensure the daily collection of milk from around 40 milk producers and to boost a local community in which we directly support around 60 families.

We count on you to continue to choose local, true and authentic products, following the traditions of our country, as is the case of Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese.

Visit us in  Vale da Estrela online store