Vale da Estrela at a fair of regional products

Our day-to-day life is being marked by a huge and dangerous crisis. First, a health crisis, with a lot of suffering for thousands of people affected. On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning the huge effort of health professionals that is accompanied in other activities that guarantee the support of our life in the community. There are those who, and rightly so, consider them Heroes.

All the work developed and the commitment of the Portuguese makes us glimpse “a faint light at the end of the tunnel”.

In parallel, we have to prepare for a return to our routines and a deep economic crisis awaits us. The measures that are being taken are helpful but the economic recovery will take time.

One of the sectors that suffers the most and will continue to face enormous problems is the sector of agriculture, particularly those that produce perishable food. There is no drain of the products, some distribution chains are suffocated, there is no consumption…. there are millions of euros lost and thousands of Portuguese deprived of work and income.

Pastoricia na serra da Estrela

Sheep herding in Serra da Estrela

The agricultural sector and the food distribution sector as a whole, cannot stop. It is essential that we guarantee the production and our food with quality products. It is crucial to safeguard the income of thousands of farmers, fruit growers, shepherds… to avoid the collapse of essential sectors of our economy and of thousands of families.

Each of us can make a strong contribution with a simple choice: buy national products.


It is in this context, and in the face of the enormous crisis that the dairy sector is going through, that we appeal to you. If you want to help alleviate this crisis, buy our Vale da Estrela products. It is helping more than 60 families of shepherds and cheesemakers who work on this project and ensure the continuity of Serra da Estrela PDO Cheese, one of the 7 wonders of Portuguese Gastronomy.

All together, it is possible to resist and win.

Feed those who feed us.